[the book]
Jes on amountainbride just posted an article that I thought I should share with you too. I loved reading it (twice). Its a wonderful article about how to talk to little girls... the way in which their minds will be approached and appraised instead of their beauty. I think this applies to both little boys and girls.... all kids.. but how often do you see the cutest little kid and your first comment is how adorable/cute they are? Instead why not get down to their level, and ask them if they like to read?! The world is already pressuring our little kids to focus on looks, their body, and hot-ness.... so why not be a good role model and show them that what you noticed first in them is the capabilities of their mind?! What a fun idea... I love it, even though it sounds challenging. The article is by Lisa Bloom... who apparently is an author of a book pictured above that I will be purchasing soon. So I would encourage you to check out the article...
ooo I saw this on jes sight too and wondered about it. I must go out and find it now that I have heard the comment about reading.