Wednesday, September 12, 2012

life after the move.

Sweet little thing after her morning nap. Aren't naps great?! Refreshed babe... refreshed mom and dad. Just wonderful.
Well...I have been a bit vacant these days in the blog world. We just moved houses- oh my, what a job. Moving with a baby in tow is tricky. Everything had to be spotless-OCD-clean in both our old house and new one for Cora. Plus it was hard to get anything done when you have a babe who needs to be held.

But, we did it! And life is much less stressful now. Our last house had no dishwasher, no microwave, one bathroom, and squeaky but beautiful hardwood floors. Geez, what were we thinking?! So now with a dishwasher, microwave, clean carpet, more space, new washer/dryer, and a nice big garage for the dogs to sleep in- life is wonderful again. It's funny how those little things make a HUGE difference in day to day stress levels.

So we are getting into the swing of things again. Matt is back in classes for the fall, I am working nights...and getting to spend 4 precious days off with Cora a week. And big deal for Cora this week... she starts up at daycare (4 hours/week so that matt can do HW and I can sleep for my night shift)! I think she is going to love seeing other little babes. And I am feeling like a mom finally, and enjoying it immensely. Oh yea...I even cooked dinner this week, went grocery shopping, and cleaned the house. CRAZY! I also stopped breast feeding- which gave me a huge surge of energy that I didn't realize I was lacking. Life is good. Now I need time to craft and talk with my very soon!!

And little miss is now waking up. Gotta go!


  1. Exciting to be in a new place. I am ready for some stress relief and for our house to sell and move into something more manageable! Isnt a big relief/ weight lifted now that you have stopped breast feeding/ pumping?! I solely pumped for the boys for almost 6 months! The pump ruled my life! I felt guilty at first that I was giving them formula, but they thrived and I realized how much more time I had to spend with them! Has Cora had anything other then rice cereal? I have a great website if you plan to make your own baby food. It is super easy, cheaper and so much better for your little one :) I would cook in bulk and freeze. Just defrost a few cubes and you have a meal. I still make pretty much everything the boys eat. It can be tough being a working mommy, but it sounds like you are doing great! Wow daycare! Is it hard to leave her? How many kids are with her? It still makes me uneasy to think about sending the boys to daycare and they are a year old. I know it will happen one day. I always wonder how it is for other moms :) good to see back on the blog world :) keep those pictures of little miss Cora coming!

  2. Naps are such a wonderful thing ( did you try using Moms on call method? seriously changed EVERYTHING around here ) Congrats on the new house, I understand completely about the love of wood floors until they creak and wake up a sleepy one lol! I am also the "dishwasher" around here...I not only have chapped nipples ( tmi?) but chapped hands at his point!


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