Saturday, June 9, 2012

yes, i graduated!

Well a belated update.... I did graduate nursing school.... yay!! I attended my pinning ceremony that I talked about [here] with anticipation. (This was early in May, so Cora was 3 weeks old...and I was still recovering...) It was amazing though that Matt and Cora were able to pin me (and that we all made it out of the house showered, with clean clothes on... aaaa-mazing!!). This was something we weren't sure we could pull off. But she sat through the long ceremony of about an hour without crying...then matt walked across the stage with her while she was contently awake. He handed her off to me (without a fumble) and pinned my nursing pin on me. We had about 200 "ooohhhh's" from the audience... it was pretty sweet. This was the main reason I wanted to attend my pinning that Cora could be there. It was a big deal. Throughout my nursing education I became a wife, a mother, and a nurse.... pretty great 3 years! Jam packed to say the least. And all with the support of my incredible husband. We did it!!

Now, I am studying for the NCLEX- the nursing boards. Super intimidating....not something one should fail. I take it in a week....then my maternity leave will be over and I start my very first nursing job. Wahhoo!! Then I can just breathe easy, I can't wait. Taking time to study every day without seeing Cora for a few hours is grueling. Plus, my mind has just been in eat-sleep-poop-mode for the past month and a half. So, studying is challenging, but a must do. Almost done... then I can go through all the emotions that will coincide with returning back to work, away from my sweet babe.


  1. You will pass with flying colours I just know it! and look at you lovely Mommy :) You still have your glow for sure!

  2. Congratulations! I am also studying for the NCLEX exam, yikes! Taking practice tests like a mo-fo =) What kind of nurse are you going to be, again?

    1. I got a job on a neuro floor... I think it will be a great floor to work on. Good luck with studying, I am in the freak out stage right now, wishing I had a backup plan if I don't pass.... but I HAVE to pass.

  3. you will do great!
    can't wait to hear about work & baby juggling- b/c I am in healthcare too (not pregnant yet though :(

  4. i wish you all the luck! i remember taking my national boards, you will do amazing :) what are you specializing in? yes, returning to work being away from your sweet Cora will be hard, but work will be rewarding and it gets easier. just enjoy all your time with her now, it is so precious!

  5. Congrats! And you are looking amazing. Glowing for sure.


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