Sunday, August 28, 2011

[seven weeks]

[my stomach-saver these days]

I'm 7 weeks pregnant! And I had my first bout of "morning sickness" folks. Unfortunately it was at work around 3 am. No, it wasn't the putrid smells of ulcers, oozing blood from body parts, nor the poor souls vomiting that set me off (this time)... it was the smell of a microwave dinner wafting through the emergency room. Oh good lord, I had to run outside quick and compose myself. I believe this could be just the start of my uneasy stomach. Perhaps instead of worrying about people's comments like " don't have morning sickness, that's not a good sign!" I should have just enjoyed it.

If I stick to ultra-bland items 24-7, literally eating those little animal crackers all the time I have been able to keep my stomach settled. Definitely no big meals- the bloating is outrageous. And I have never been so excited to poop, let me tell you. Constipation is no laughing matter. I feel like I need all the space I can get in my abdomen for that ever-so-enlarging uterus. And I can't even call the spud a fetus yet, so I know I have a ways to go.

However, each time I feel like I'm really going to lose it I have a smile on my face and laugh. It's really happening. I'm pregnant. Hell yeah.

And on another empowering note... I love hearing birth stories. Whether it's from women at work, family, friends, or blogs. They are fantastically inspiring. So if you haven't seen already I would encourage you to go and check out the birth story over on figs & feathers: how luciana was born. Amazing. Then to check out her new motherhood experience look at: dear baby, I'm not perfect.


  1. This is so exciting! I remember my morning sicknesses were from brushing my teeth, which I usually was able to compose myself without throwing up. But the 2 times I did throw up were from egg sandwiches I made myself. I was so confused on why something that the baby was craving made her sick. Oh well. Enjoy every moment of it!

  2. Morning sickness were not nice with me. I had to take medication for 5 months. I love how you write! Funny and honest, just the way I like it :)

  3. Ahhh..the lovely morning sickness. Sour patch kids were my lifesaver. : )


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