Sunday, January 23, 2011

prego- book thoughts... home in my office-to-be-nursery you can see the bright yellow walls...

Well I spent my last day off over winter break at Barnes and Noble. This is usually my "treat" to myself... for the past 6 years or so...its my thing. I go and wander around the store, pick a handful of books, and buy a coffee and just sit and read them. I really don't have the money to actually purchase handfuls of books, even though I really would love to. So I journal about what I read, what strikes me, and titles I hope to buy one day and I just soak it all up. In the past I'd love the relationship...I believe its technically called the self-help aisle... ha! Oh college days. Then it was teaching decorating/ nesting...then weddings galore...and now babies! I love this me-time.

So this past Tuesday it was all pregnancy books, hypnobirthing, pregnancy magazines...and hot chocolate instead. I happened to actually buy a book- Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method by Marie Mongan. I haven't had a chance to read the whole thing, and once I do I will post more about it. But it follows all of my ideals of having a natural child birth that I want. Like I mentioned before with my plan, that I'd like to be fully prepared about what will be happening to my body... then letting it take over and having the faith in myself that I am capable. I can get past the pain (in theory) and that fear causes I can try not to be fearful, to believe in myself. I need Matt, as my birthing companion, to be able to keep this peaceful environment for me, our spud...and potentially to help alleviate some of the stress that potentially the hospital staff may create. So I plan on reading this book before I meet with my OB, that way I am confident and educated in my natural-birth choice and armed with a non-epidural pain killer...positive thoughts! Anyone ever done hypnobirthing? Does it work?

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